Things have been busy here and I'm not sure how many posts it will take to catch up, but here goes.
This week-end we decided to finish up the playground. Shane cut big timbers and layed heavy plastic and then we hauled all the bags of rubber chips for the kids to stab and slash like they were in Braveheart. Then we raked them all evenly and let the kids fall on their heads until bedtime.

But before we could do the above, we had to dig up all the grass. With a pick-axe. It was a great work out and I did that in place of an actual work out for a couple days. Shane did most of it, and for a reward his back muscles seized up in the middle of the night. I woke up to some strange sounds as he gingerly tried to settle himself. He could barely move- for future reference, don't take a cold shower after hard labor, even on a really hot day-and it might not be the best idea to clear sod the same day you already did a chest and back work out. Anyway, after some ibuprofen, a hot water bottle, and a massage, he was able to sleep. I tried to do more the next day, but he was still much more useful than I was, sore back and all.
After we finished, he took a hot shower and ibuprofen and we all went out to lunch to celebrate.
At the mall Shane suggested I get a massage at Gene Juarez. Partly because he was in no shape to offer on himself. And mostly because he's just sweet. It seemed a little odd at first, but he said it was present from him, so I did. He took the kids out to play and to Grandma's and I lay down in a warm little cocoon and had my feet and shoulders worked on. And I got some good pointers from "Sage" for working on sore muscles so I got to implement some new techniques on Shane's back that night. Which is doing much better.

And here is Kateri. She untied the chairs, without permission, because she wanted to do dishes. She had half the sink done when I came downstairs and found her. They looked good so I let her finish. Shane got a tattoo kit for the kids, supposedly they wash off in 1-3 days. Well its been almost a week of scrubbing and soaping and they are still pretty visible. But I think it is a good look for Kateri. I thought it was not such a good look for Audrey when she was getting ready for ballet class.
I finally signed her up for lessons. I found a studio just down the hill from our house and signed her up for ballet II. Then we had to find clothes and shoes, which people don't seem to carry much. She and I made a day of it and went to the mall- which did not have the shoes-and had lunch, and did some shopping, and after several passes at the jewellry store, got her ears pierced. I was a little hesitant because they only had one person so it would be one ear at a time. She held my hand, very tightly, and then we went for ice cream at Coldstone Creamery. And then we went to The Loft, where Audrey found an XS knit dress, I think it was supposed to be a long top really, with smocking across the chest and a ruffle around the hem. So she tried it on and it looked like a normal tea length dress for her. So we bought that and another pair of earrings for when she can change them.
It was fun just spending time with her. It is hard to balance "alone time" as the kids call it, for each of them. At first Kateri was sad because she wanted to come too and I thought a girl trip would still be ok, but Audrey had wanted special time. So I convinced Kateri to let us go and when I got back I would take her. We didn't get back until 6pm- we left at 11am, and she was eating chicken and announcing that in three more bites it was her turn to go. I was exhausted, but to the mall we went. Where Kateri stated she wanted to get her ears pierced too. I was a little relieved when we got there and she looked over the earring choices and then said,
"I just wanted to look at them."
So we went to the Disney store where she found light up princess shoes for $12. And a nightgown, which she insists is a dress. But I figured since she likes to wear clothes to bed it might be a nice way to get her to wear PJs. But she wears it in the daytime too. With her light up shoes.
The next morning, I came down and Shane said he was taking Kateri to get her ears pierced. Audrey offered to go too, and hold her hand. I thought it was really sweet and appreciated that they had something to bond over. Kateri is still a bit of the "younger sister" to Audrey. They went, and one at a time, Kateri got her ears pierced. Shane said she didn't make a peep. I guess I'm not too surprised. Then according to tradition, they went to Coldstone. I wondered if that was what Kateri wanted all along.
OH, I forgot to mention, Shane is now working 4x10 now. So we have a three day week-end every weekend. Which I am loving. The first week-end he went down to visit a friend at Lake Torture, as they all refer to it. I think Jeff spends all year planning what sort of pain he can inflict on his guests via a boat and various tow-behind things. But they keep going back. I think Shane has the records for staying on the longest, before getting flung at 35 mph, onto what feels like concrete. And I had a fabulous time when he came home and described the sleeping conditions with 5 men, most of which had a particular snore and all were spaced just so as to give Shane not a very good nights sleep. He used to get upset when I would kick him for snoring- with a sleeping baby between you you are sort of limited in how you can communicate, and I found a swift kick to the shin usually did the trick. But I think he understands now.
The next week-end we went to Fort Worden with his sister and parents and all the kids. I have lots of fun pictures, but that story will have to wait. I think Kateri is trying to make dinner now.