Thursday, December 27, 2007

Shane's Home from San Blas

This is Shane, not sure exactly where.

He actually came home on the 16th but we've been busy catching up and getting ready for Christmas so I didn't get to post about his trip. He'd been in San Blas, Panama for 12 days and a couple days in Panama City too. He and his dad went on a trip aboard the Discovery, a ship co-owned by people who all like kiteboarding and adventuring and seeing lots of neat places. So this year Shane picked the San Blas leg of the journey and his dad got to go with him. He said it was a blast and he enjoyed it all- even his 5 mile down-winder in 10' swells across the open ocean from the Limon Cayes to the Coco Banderas Cayes.

They have sattelite internet so he got to write ocassionally to say he made it on another adventure or to rave about the fabulous dish Nico, the chef, made that night. I was a little worried about feeding him when he got home. The meals sounded, and looked, impressive. I might like to go for cooking classes. And the warm water.

He came home a day early as he did not want to spend another day in Panama City as he had planned. So instead he got to spend an extra day home with us.

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