Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I like wood.

Shane and I were discussing hobbies the other day. I realized I don't really care to spend much time on extras. Laundry, cooking, cleaning, educating kids, and running the house are pretty much all consuming and I don't like having competition for any of them. Then I tried to think of the last time I was actually motivated to get up early to do something and it was to work on Shane's desk. I really like re-finishing wood. I think it all started when I asked my mom if I could re-do the spindle railing on their staircase. I liked the feeling of rescuing something old and making it pretty again. I think it took me all summer to finish and I never did put a top coat on- but I didn't know any better then.

I got to resurrect my passion this year when Shane was looking for a desk for his office. He wanted a big one and wanted it to match the stain on a buffet we bought from the Restoration Hardware Outlet here. They had a desk but it was a little small and was also $2000. So I watched craigslist for a while and finally found this one- for not very much. I forgot to take a before picture. The color came out exactly what I wanted- thanks so the helpful people at Sherwin William's. I had no idea what kind of wood it was- they didn't know either- but they tested on pieces until the color come out right. It turned out better than I actually expected. The polyurethane coats covered a multitude of irregularities and we found some pretty handles at Restoration Hardware to complete it. I still have to finish the little pull outs at the top. Luckily the helpful people at Sherwin William's suggested I buy lots of extra stain so now I match other projects too. Shane says he likes it better than the Restoration Hardware since it is much bigger and was stripped, sanded, stained, and top coated- often times at 6am because that was when I could count on Pippin not waking up- with love from his wife. Which was pretty sweet. Of him.

So now that my appetite has been whetted I have been on the look out for more projects. Handily, my mother in law was working on a dresser for Kateri and said I could take it home and finish it. I remembered to take a before picture this time. There is no after because I have not started working on it yet. I am waiting for the heatwave to pass. But in the mean time I have been perusing craigslist again. I need some cabinets and shelving for the kids school room so I'll hopefully have a few projects lined up soon.

We went to Costco this week-end and found a leather coffe table/ottoman. It has a pull out tray underneath so you can set down you morning latte and being leather is comfy to sit on. The kids think it is great. We had been wanting a table for the sitting area in our room and it seemed perfect. I think it looks nice and as Shane pointed out after we set it up when you hit you shin on your way to the bathroom it won't hurt. I still want to get some plants and a standing light to finish off the room. Someday I'll work on our room. But I have not found a bed frame I like yet so I don't want to get other things until I know what I am working with.

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