Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I found them!

The pictures I downloaded to a secret location, that is. Here a few highlights from our trip.

OK, this first one is not from out trip, but seeing as how we were all leaving, and the neighbors on that side were also going to be away, it was the perfect time to take down the pool without offending anyone's sensibilities for clean air. I suppose the rabbits had to endure the fallout, but seriously, these guys, or girls rather, think their feed bowl is also a latrine so I don't think they could complain much. Anyway, it worked and by the time we came home, the only remnant of the pool was/is the dead patch of grass.

 One of many courses from our dinner at EVOO in Canon Beach. This one was beef tenderloin with  succotash and watermelon salad with lime-habanero pepper dressing and cumin cream topped with a strawberry-tequila sorbet. It was very yummy. Sadly, little Malachi was squeezing out my ability to eat much in one sitting but every course was amazing and I enjoyed them immensely. If you want the recipes you can go to EVOO and look up the August Dinner Show. We've made several of the courses since coming home, including the tostada stack with citrus braised pork belly and the watermelon salad, with all the toppings.

The next night we went to a little french-italian restaurant there and had a lovely farewell dinner before we headed....
 to our yurt. Like I mentioned it was not very rustic at all and super cozy.
 This was the fruit basket the waiter put together for us when I realized I had no snacks and low blood sugar and felt horrible. I got better.
 The yurt had Wi-Fi and electricity, neither of which could make my pictures not blurry.

 And amazing views.
 And this is what we came  home to. Actually this is how Cyprian came home several days after we did. They are out now and it healed nicely, though it has been an effort to remind him to not wrestle while it finishes healing.

And now we are all home and are jumping right into our school year. So far it is going well. Or at least now it is. The first day I had a horrible night's sleep ( about 3 hrs ,interrupted) and was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted and then of course pregnancy hormones don't help much and once Shane was home and I was recounting things and feeling everything and then some I actually broke down and cried. Which is not something I do easily, pregnant or not. But the next night I slept better and was more on top of the day and we were actually productive and I felt optimistic about the school year. We'll see how today goes.

1 comment:

Kayleen said...

wow that looks like so much fun! I want to stay in a yurt now!