"Mommy, I'm hungry".
"Come snuggle mommy and we'll get up in a minute"I said, trying to buy a few more minutes.
"But Mommy, I'm STAHVEEN" hr insisted. So we got up and made him three pieces of toast and warm milk. Kateri came down soon after and ate two cartons of vanilla yogurt. I guess they were both growing. On a normal day they get up between 7:30 and 8:00.
"Mom, can we do letters now?"
"Why don't we get some breakfast first and then we can do some letters" I suggested.
"How bout we do letters first and then breakfast" she answered.
I guess I can't complain when they want to work. I helped her with one page and then I got up to make breakfast. She came in a little later and had gone through all the letters from E-Y. We didn't get to go over the sounds as she wrote them but I was impressed with her work. I might have to get a few more of these as they only have one page per letter.
Speaking of wine, we are going to be staying at the Salish again and I'm looking forward to the Snoqualmie Reserve we had last time. We can only find the 2004 in the stores now- after Shane bought all the 2003s he could find- but I am hoping the Lodge will still have some. We decided to use our free night- and of course we booked massages and dinner so it was well worth their while to offer it-and have some time before Shane leaves for Tahiti. It worked with Grandma's schedule so when she offered we grabbed it. It helps get through some rough spots to remember it some days.
Some funny kid conversations
Kateri -Cyril, can you pass me the bottle?
Cyril slides it across the table.
Kateri- NO, not like that, like this.
Cyril- You can't tell me how to do it. You're not my mother.
Kateri- No, a mother means a sweet bird.
Cyril- NO it doesn't. It means your mother. Like you're my mother.
Kateri- I mam?
I was explaining to Kateri how nice it will be for her when she learns all her letters. She got all animated and had an amazed look on her face and said,
"Then I can write? and I will be big like you and I can have e-mail? and I can drive, and do the dishes, and drink why-un?"
Because I know my letters.
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