aka Audrey's blog. So named for the latest set of books she cruising through. Shane takes her every week-end to get new ones, usually three or four at a time. Depending on how well the book store is stocked. So she chose Phantom Stallion for her blog name. If you haven't check the link to her blog yet, I highly recommend it. But I don`t recommend the books. Audrey typed that last sentence while I stepped out to check on Pippin. Apparently she wants to keep the books a secret.
Anyway, I set her up with an address this morning and showed her how to download pictures to it and two hours later she had created her first few posts. All by herself. I was pretty impressed. I didn't even get the hang of it that quickly. Kids these days. I think it is really good for her and she likes to write and is very creative so maybe we'll just use her blog for her writing requirements this year. She already pointed out to me I misspelled "gallop" on my blog. Good thing I have her around to keep me on track.
We sat down to play Scrabble this afternoon and she suggested I should get the dictionary because I'd need it. Audrey won. Again-she wants me to add. She makes me leave the room when she is blogging but likes to stay and edit as I type when I sit down. I guess that is what I get for teaching her to read.
So, if you want the dry what did we do today news come here. And when you want cutting edge journalism and fantastically interesting stories check out Audrey's blog. You won't be disappointed. And, no, I do not edit her posts.
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