Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Introducing The Phantom Stallion
Anyway, I set her up with an address this morning and showed her how to download pictures to it and two hours later she had created her first few posts. All by herself. I was pretty impressed. I didn't even get the hang of it that quickly. Kids these days. I think it is really good for her and she likes to write and is very creative so maybe we'll just use her blog for her writing requirements this year. She already pointed out to me I misspelled "gallop" on my blog. Good thing I have her around to keep me on track.
We sat down to play Scrabble this afternoon and she suggested I should get the dictionary because I'd need it. Audrey won. Again-she wants me to add. She makes me leave the room when she is blogging but likes to stay and edit as I type when I sit down. I guess that is what I get for teaching her to read.
So, if you want the dry what did we do today news come here. And when you want cutting edge journalism and fantastically interesting stories check out Audrey's blog. You won't be disappointed. And, no, I do not edit her posts.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Horsing Around
They go on rides through the woods
Ocassionally, he'll try the smaller ponies, which ends up in unintended dismounts.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The Kids are growing so much, infact, I am going to have to ....cheat
Cyprian was getting a little too clever in manuevering chairs around the kitchen to use as step stools. A lot of the time he'd "make" coffee and while cleaning up the freshly ground coffee spilled on the cupboard, I'd decide to just use it rather than toss it, and make a latte. Some days I'd get a little jittery from his escapades and when I couldn't turn my back, or leave the room without him climbing up to see what's cooking on the stove, I decided to put a stop to it. And when that didn't work, I decided it was time to tie the chairs to the table. I stole the idea from Tirzah when Jack was going through the same stage. My first time dealing with it I came up with using folding chairs and putting them away after every meal. It did get old, as I am sure navigating around the rope web will, but for now I can feel safe going to the bathroom by myself.
Pippin is not as happy with the new arrangement.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Growing Kids
Kateri dancing in her "India dress. Its pordant (important) so be careful"
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Please go away
"What did you do in this situation? And why? Did it work? What would you do differently looking back? "
And then I though of all of you.
I know there are some areas I have not even thought of yet but a few of the ones I'd like to hear about are:
-Discipline ideas
-Fighting/arguing- with each other
-Sharing- I like the setting the timer idea but sometimes I feel like doing away with private property all together
-House Rules Lists
-House Schedule/Organizing etc. for moms and kids
-Bedtime routines
-Mealtime& menus& shopping
-Dad involvement
-Allowances/ rewards/incentivising
- Free time, nap time, quiet time, family time, prayer time
-Schooling & extra curricular activities
I know this list is kind of dis-jointed and doesn't cover much but feel free to add anything you or anyone you know has to offer.
Sometimes I'll hear another mom handle a particular situation and I'll think, Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. Its nice to see/hear things in action that work. Or don't for that matter too. So, if anyone has some little, or big, bits of advice I would really like to hear them as I try to put together some more structure for all of us, I guess. If it's too long and you don't want to post it here you can e-mail me too. Or any books you found helpful and for what areas.
While I am on the topic of helpful hints, my sister-in-law told me about come freezer cooking she has been doing and really enjoying. Basically you do all the prep work up front then thaw and cook on the day you eat, which sounds fabulous. I love trying to dice onions with a fussy baby pulling at my feet. There is a web-site where you can buy a set of recipes-say for chicken, or beef or whatever. Kim has tried a bunch and says they are good. I might figure out how to incorporate the same method with some of the recipes I use already. I think some things would taste better frozen in an un-cooked state. I actually bought a dinner once which was basically the same method. It was Cajun chicken breast with bleu chees mashed potatoes and roasted carrots. It was tasty so if I could do the same thing myself it would be great. And since the recipes come in sets if you get 10lbs of chicken breasts you can make 5 different that all involve chicken. I am going to try the chicken ones first. I'll let you know what I think. The web address if you want to check it out is
Our Newest Cousin
"Can we go and get that baby?"
After out colds are gone we'll make a visit, but for now pictures will have to do.
I am actually feeling much better today. Yesterday was pretty lousy but I still managed to make it to Costco and finish painting the fence. But I feel much more energetic today and it is overcast and cozy today so it feels like a good day to work in the house. Like on laundry.
Pippin Ben Hur
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I Do It Myself
Hmmm, where did it all go?
Apparently, George was hungry too. and Cyprian didn't see the "Do not feed the stuffed animals" sign. At least he was sharing.
Spill-proof my foot
Seriously, the line gives you this much which is barely enough for the wand to get wet.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Craigslist Rules
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Our First Garage Sale
The neighborhood girls with their umbrellas.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Less is More- or at least its Better
They each got to choose a toy to keep out and we assigned a place for it go and every evening they clean their rooms and if they can handle it for awhile they will get another one and we'll assign a place for that one and so on. It has been a couple weeks and we have not gotten any new toys out. Not because they have not taken care of their first toy but because it is so nice not having so much stuff in their rooms. They have not even asked for any of the toys after the first few days and seeing how creative they are without them I think it might be a premanent thing. The other day Audrey and Cyril were making up a game using kids plastic scissors for characters. Today they got out some sheets and made a fort. And I think having less options makes it easier for them to pick what to do. They will play with Audrey's toy horses for hours at a time.
Another reason we cleaned out the rooms was to to assess what they had and what kind of storage they need to keep things in. As opposed to throwing everything into a big box and then not knowing where anything is.
One issue I do have is keeping things they like to do- like arts and crafts- in places where they can get to them but Cyprian can't. How do you make a Montessori classroom work in a house with different age kids and a "teacher" who has to switch loads, nurse the baby, and make dinner and can't monitor every area of the house at once. I don't know yet but right now I am pleased with changes we've implemented so far and I am excited to continue the trend in other areas of our house.
Wine, anyone?
"If he was 15." I answered.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Speaking of Montessori...
Thank You Saint Anthony
Thursday, August 2, 2007
I think I have a problem.
" Can you pick this up for me?"
Kateri's Fourth Birthday
P.S. Kateri just came in to inform me she purposefully let her balloon go outside and is ready to go and get a new birthday balloon. I told her no. But that might mean we can have Jack over now.