Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Just Checking In

I got to see Dr M today. Unlike dentist appointments and shots, I always look forward to visiting with Dr M. I didn't have too many wild and crazy theories to discuss today. Mostly it was just to do a three month check up of being on the LDN. He said I could stay on it for now and we'd see if the MRI in Sept indicates a need for something more drastic. And then I'll probably say no.  As usual I aced all the little tests. I think. The walking heel to toe was sort of off, but I had flip flops on. Once I took them off it was fine. My legs were a little sore and stiff from working out yesterday so my gait might have been a little off.  I explained it though. My weight was a little up from last time. I think it is probably just due to the time of the month. I didn't explain that.

Then he had me do the close your eyes, put your arms out, touch your nose. I assured him I had not been drinking. Then he looked at my face. Intently. I started to feel a little under the microscope. Did I forget to wash my face? What had I eaten for breakfast? He told me to close my eyes. I couldn't help peeking just so I could see his expression. Which didn't give anything away. He told me to smile. Finally, satisfied, he said,

"Ok. You can relax and have a seat." 

I asked what he had seen or was looking for.

"Oh, it was nothing."

I asked what the 'nothing' was.

He talked about seeing things that might seem off or clues to somthing bigger. Like a person with one scuffed shoe, who obviously drags that foot and other things a detective would notice. Finally he told me it seemed one side of my mouth seemed more expressive than the other. But upon closer inspection, it was 'nothing'. I still felt self conscious everytime I smiled and I've been checking in the mirror since I got home. Nothing.

So that was all good and I'll get to see him again in two months and I can stick with the LDN. So I'm happy.

On another note, this is the wine chosen for a recent wedding. It was only $4.99 at Trader Joe's and its pretty tasty. I stopped to pick up some more after the doctor visit but the Kirkland one was out and the wine guy told me the distributor is out as well. So if you find yourself at Trader Joe's you might want to pick some up, if you can. The Redmond one still has some. I haven't checked the other local stores.

Shane came up with a fun activity for the kids and asked me to get some mini marshmallows and tooth picks at the store. This is Cyril's creation.
This is Cyril's creation  on fire. No questions.

And that's life at the moment. Sticky, sweet, and on fire. Not sure how that really fits this moment. But, oh well. There it is.

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's that time of year again

Guess who is going to have a birthday?

Kateri has been planning her birthday pretty much since the day after her last birthday. She has invited anyone and everyone, even though she has not decided where the party is actually going to be. Our house or Grandma and Grandpa's. She decided she wanted me to take her shopping. I had to run to the drug store so she came along and I told her she could pick something.  She picked out a little travel toothbrush with a bright pink case and tube of toothpaste. I know. I got off easy.

Then she decided Grandma could take her shopping too. So yesterday, Grandma had some time and took her shopping and out to dinner. She came home with a royal wardrobe and lots of trimmings and trappings for the big day. And of course, she will assist Grandma in making the Giant Pink Princess Castle. Just like last year. Because Grandma doesn't get enough practice making big cakes. (That is a big joke around here. I can't even count the wedding cakes she's done so far this year.)

Anyway, these are a few of her new outfits.

She had decided to wear this one to the party, as it is the most "princess" looking dress.

This has leggings too, but she decided the shirt could double as a dress. She was really excited to get tennis shoes, and today wore them jogging around the neighborhood. In 80 degree weather. But what good is a new pair of shoes if you can't show them off?

I thought this little skort and top were pretty cute on her. Oh, and she picked out some royal jewelry too. And if you can't decide which one to wear, wear them all!

There are other clothes, but three outfits seemed  enough for one day. Oh, wait. She did wear her new Tinker Bell PJs to bed. So I guess that makes four.

She really has grown. I think her heighth is trying to catch up to her maturity level. Last Friday she almost single handedly took care of Matteas overnight. I drew the line at changing his dirty diaper. She was very put out. But she made him bottles, nachos, snacks, and snuggled him to sleep in her bed. He woke up in the night so I put him in our bed. Kateri said,"Finally, I  can get some sleep."

The next day she was so worn out she took a 2 hr nap. After the cousins had left she was forlorn and didn't know what to do with herself. She came into the room and asked, mournfully,

"When can I get my own baby?"

Whenever that day comes, at least I know she can handle it.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Welcom to Our Poo_

Well it's cold, and it's July here
And the back yard smells like poop.
Its kind of a drag to think about,
This might be the best this summer gets.

A couple weeks ago, the kids convinced me it was a good time to get a swimming pool. There were hot days coming and the run on pools had not happened yet, so I agreed and we headed to Plastics 'R' Us, whick was still pretty well stocked. Of course that only makes it more difficult to choose, having more than one to choose from. I was thinking the little inflatable one or two ring pool would still  work for them. They reminded me that there are FOUR of them and they wanted to get more than their toes wet so we started looking at the larger pools. A lot larger.

They liked the floating rim one. I envisioned a kid getting stuck under the floating rim. They liked the four ft tall one, I envisioned being paged for heavy lifting everytime the younger ones wanted in or out.  We finally settled on the 3 ft tall x 12 ft diameter pool. Then I thought I should double check with Shane and ask how much lawn we were willing to give up. He pointed out we we don't have much lawn, mostly clover and dandelions and he didn't care how much of it we drowned. The other 'feature' of our yard is that it is mostly clay with a clover veneer. So it doesn't drain much. Or at all. We decided we could turn the left side into a swamp, so I hauled out the huge box, plopped it in the car and away we went.

With the two big kids helping, set up was pretty quick. Filling it up, no so fast. But eventually it was enough for them to splash and swim in and they spent the rest of the day in it. And the next. Then we headed down to the property so we had to drain it. At first the almost 2,000 gallon capacity seemed cool and luxurious. But when you go to drain it, its kind of a pain. Luckily it has an attachment for a hose so at least we could spread it around.

Well, it has been too cold since and we have not filled the pool again. There was one warm week-end, but we were away. Apparently it got very warm. It was at least hot enough to give one of our little lizards heat stroke. At least that was our guess when we found her sunken-eyed and super stinky the next morning. I got to use one of my snowman cookie boxes again. Our back woods now houses a pet cemetery and it is hard to not step on hallowed ground, which Cyril gets very offended by. I guess we should build a fence around the graves.

But back to the other offending odor. We decided we should move the pool, since it was drained, and maybe give the clover a chance. It looks ok when it is mowed. So last night we flipped it over on its back side, its 10 metal legs all sticking up in the air like a dead animal. And from the deceased clover patch came a stench, much like a dead animal. There was no safe place in the yard so we rereated into the house gagging and laughing. We suddenly remembered the summer before when we had just done the same for our old pool, thus releasing the toxic smell into the air making our back yard off limits for at least a week. Then that night, our neighbors decided to have a big party in their back yard. They have dogs so we could just imagine what all the guests would be  sure they had just stepped in all evening.

But lucky for them, this is no summer party weather we've been having. If it lasts a week, we might be get away with it. Its still pretty ripe this morning, I had to take the garbage out, but without the sun heating and intensifying it, it might not last as long.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Weekend

For the Fourth, we headed down to my parents' cabin where we enjoyed a variety of activities.
Pippin was willing to make a path fro Grandma anywhere ane everywhere she needed one, and a few extras.
Cyril was thrilled when,  on our first walk, he found a snake. He was not so thrilled when it "juiced" on him.
The boys had fun shooting the BB gun.
So did this girl.
Cyril found time between finding critters and swimming to work on his aim as well.
There was lots of rock skipping. This one was a little big.
The kids could not wait to get in the river and jumped in with their clothes on.
MOm asked if I wanted to help her cut a four ft trunk with a long saw. Of course I said yes. We got about half way then solicited help from the boys. It was a really good work out and I am still sore. The log turned out to be rotten in places so we'll need to do another cut. So Shane volunteered to get a 4 ft chain saw and come back. Because you should never waste a good opportunity to procure a really cool tool. And becasue he's nice. And because he'd really like to have one.
Shane joined the kids in the water and they swam across the river.
In the evening, after some rather tasty ribs, Shane pulled out the fireworks we picked up after church. He and Sandor, my brother, had fun lighting off the big mortars, the rest of us were huddled around the bonfire trying to stay warm. Then, being boys, they decided to see what would happen if you put the mortor in up-side down. This is what happens. A small bang, then a loud thunk. It's good the package came with two tubes. And then, of course, we had to see what would happen if you just left in on the road- no tube. That was pretty cool. I treid to get a picture but was too busy watching it to get a good one. They are so pretty up close.
Audrey spen most of the week end making horse trails with the grass Grandma had just cut. She was very sad to leave it.

Actually, they were all very sad. Here they are begging to stay 'just one more night'.
I am sure Shane is anxious to get his new chainsaw and go back, so I think we'll be there soon. This time we'll take our fishing grear too.