Fortunately, the neighbor girl had answered the door and while she went to ask her dad if she could play, I tucked Pippin under one arm- his legs kicking and his bare bum wiggling to get down, grabbed Kateri's hand and raced home. Before the dad came to the door, discovered what miscreants he has for neighbors and forbade his children of ever playing with them again. At least I think I did. I just ran and never looked back.
I debated what should be done first. Naked kid clothed, or fix the fence. It has been so hot and as our neighbors on either side work all day, I felt fine letting Pippin skinny dip in the kiddie pool. It was still very hot, so I decided to fix the gate. I searched the garage for a board big enough to cover the opening but nothing worked. Finally, I got the brilliant idea of just nailing the hard pool- which had cracks anyway- to the fence. I'm sure if they worked at it they could figure a say through. And I'm sure Shane will think its just lovely. But at this point I am happy to get a few minutes of peace before they figure out the puzzle. I should get Kateri Rubic's Cube. I'll bet she could do it.
(Note: he is actually wearing pants in this picture.)
If you haven't seen the film Mostly Martha and have the means, I highly recommend picking one up. It is leagues better than the American version "No Reservations". Oh, and along the theme of restaurants, "Dinner Rush" was another film we enjoyed. Kind of a slow start but lots of entertaining characters.
Well, the kids have converted their pool- we have tw0- into a bathtub now so I guess we'll wash up and get ready for bed. Thankfully, it is cooling off now. The heat makes me crabby. Shane was smart to go kiting, though he did offer to just come home if I needed him to. I should be back to normal temperature and hopefully a couple of the kids will be asleep by the time he gets home.