Kateri had to have her picture taken and had to be making this face. Not sure why.
I've been trying to think of fun things for the kids to do. My sister says her days go much better if there is some planned activity to give the day more structure- and incentive to get the mundane things done too. So I've tried to think of something new each day and so far it has been good. Yesterday we broke out the foam stickies from Grandma Trudy and had fun making North Pole winterscapes. I thought the penguins were particularly cute. Cyprian had fun chewing on them as well. We worked on them on and off all day and even this afternoon they were still making pictures. It's fun cleaning up all the backs to the stickers but it is so much better than paint or markers- which we did the other day. That project turned out well. THey had little wooden vehicles at Michael's for $.75 each so we painted airplanes and cars. The clean up was a little messier so we might wait a few days before we revisit that activity.
Today after breakfast we made Christmas cookies to freeze. It was a good sticky time with lots of pretty blue sprinkles. They didn't care so much for the actual cookies but the process was a hit. And Pippin had to have a pumpkin cookie too. I liked the blue stars and snowflakes.
Cyprian's latest saying is "You can coook." He got it from Ratatuille where the chef' tells people "anyone can cook" Cyprian's French accent it pretty funny. He then goes through the whole family Pippin, Papa, Mama etc saying each one can cook. So he especially likes it when he can help cook. Its pretty cute.
I just went to check on our little chef who was whipping up a culinary delight in the bathroom sink. Plug, fill, add one roll of toilet paper and stir with your toothbrush. And your sisters. In fact the more toothbrushes the better. I'll clean it up later. At least it was sink water.
Tomorrow St. Nicholas will hopefully bring a new activity, maybe some ornaments to color or something. And then I got little nativity sets for them to paint too and we might be really brave and get together with Tirzah and Jack and make that one a group activity. And once we clean up all the sugar from today we'll pull out the gingerbread house kit.
So our December crafts are off to a good start. And we have not gotten a tree yet either so there is another day.