Things here are going pretty well. The kids and I have little colds but nothing too bad. We had really nice weather yesterday. It was sunny andvery warm. It felt nice to be outside. But today is rainy and cold and right now it is getting misty. It is very cozy and makes me want to start a project and drink tea. Or read a book. Actually, I just started reading The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand on Sunday. I was talking to Shane about Ayn Rand the other day as there was an article about teh 50th anniversary of Atlas shrugged in the Journal and I was saying I thought she was too cold and utilitarian and eventually he had to ask if I had actually read any of her books and I had to say no. He thought Fountainhead was a good one to start with so I am reading it. Its long so we'll see how I do. I prefer articles because I can get through on in a cup of coffee.
The kids are still enjoying "Precious" as they are now calling the kitten. I'm not sure when they'll settle on one for good.
I am bummed I can't get to my pictures because I took one of a dinner I made last week and it ended up being a funny story. At least I was amused.
I was going to be working at the Museum of Flight for a wine tasting event and thought I'd make a nice big lunch -it was a 9x12- so Shane could just pop it in the oven and have leftovers for dinner. I had a recipe for chicken and artichokes with a sherry-cream sauce that I have had at Shane's mom's and it is tasty. I decided to pour it all over a bed of wild rice mixed with quinoa and some other tasty things and he could just heat it up all at once. I got it all done and in the fridge with instructions for heating and felt very good about him being taken care of while I was gone.
I called on my way home to see how everythin was going and Shane told me about the dinner. He did as the instructions said and dished up bowls for everyone. Of course they moaned and froaned about the foreign looking food but he told them they had to eat it all and then they could all watch a movie. Then he took a bite. He said he was really glad he had not dished up too much for himself, as he would have to eat it all too. He said it was so bad they finally negotiated down to one bite of chicken and then they could order pizza. I was glad he did because I was really hungry when I got home. I tried the chicken first and it was definitely a little off. I did use marinated artichokes but rinsed them really well- I thought. But I undercooked the rice medly a bit so instead of a nice chewy texture it was more of a gummy hardness. It sounds better -or worse-with the picture but oh well. Later.
The wine tasting turned out to be one of the better events. It was actually a party for Providence but they were advertising a winery - MaryHill- in Eastern WA who donated all the wine. It got good reviews from everyone - esecially the Syrah. I didn't try it myself but I am curious to now.
It was a nice group of people and they had a live band so it was more entertaining than some parties. They had a wedding reception on the top floor last month that was really pretty and fun and had a great view of the sunset. So that was lively. But this was nice too. An older gentleman and I found common ground in that we both liked to read a particular article in the Sat/Sun edition of the Wall Street Jurnal. Which was handy becdause it gave us something to talk about while I tried to wrestle the Boston shaker for his Manhattan. The shaker won this time. Oh, and I got to donate my pour spouts to the Hilton when and the other bartender didn't realize I had brought my own spouts- because they never have enough- and threw away all the bottle tops. At least they weren't the expensive ones. But that was all. And Shane had leftover pizza for me when I got home. And I bought myself a new pair of Josef Seibel shoes. My old ones were really worn but still so comfy so I broke down and ordered a new pair.
So next posting I should have pictures to put. On Sunday we are having a neighborhood costume party and I'll remember to get pictures. I didn't at our get together last month, which was really fun again. But we are moving it indoors this time to our next door neighbors garage so we'll see how all the kids do. Shane is going as Anakin Skywalker because Trudy had made a really nice costume for Cameron a couple years back. I am not sure what I'll go as. Either Madam Butterfly- because she also had a kimono- or Princess Jasmine because Shane brought me a silk sari from India. I think the kimono would be more comfortable. Trudy also brought over wings for the girls and is making a Robin Hood suit for Cyril. So if you need a costume call Trudy. I did.